Our Tournaments

Our Tournaments

                           The CT. Tigers will be running three tournaments in the summer months of 2024.  

In June we will host a FPN event called the Summer Slam.  This years event will be 3 game pool play with single elimination event  held the weekend of June 15-16th.  We will be hosting age groups 14U, 16U, and 18U at Dunn Sports Complex in Meriden CT.  Cost is $495 plus $70 per game played pay at the plate.

Over July 4th weekend (6-7th) the Tigers will host the Jungle Jamboree for ages 14U and 16U at McAuliffe Park in East Hartford.  This will be a 3 game guarantee with single elimination on Sunday.  Cost is $495 plus $70 per game played pay at the plate.

Finally, the Tigers will host the End of Summer Sizzler for age groups 14U and 16U at McAuliffe Park in East Hartford the weekend of July 13-14th.  This will be a 3 game guarantee with single elimination on Sunday. Cost is $495 plus $70 per game played pay at the plate.

For payments you may either send a check made out to:

CT Tigers Softball

Steve Markie

41 Trotwood Dr.

West Hartford, CT 06117


Venmo @steve-markie


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